HAM or Hold, All Movement

HAM or Hold, All Movement is the name of my project and my plan is to build a hold (think of a ship's hold or a closed inner space) and stock it with a cot, teapot, personal library and a communications station, complete with shortwave, VHF & HAM radios. With all of this in place, I'll learn morse code and earn my amateur radio license. Not long into the residency, I'll impose a radio listening schedule &will begin to reside in the hold, listening to radios at night &turning that info into gestures by day. Yes, lo &behold, I will eat ham sandwiches daily during my residency. The ham will of course come from a local, organic farm, Crown S Ranch in Winthrop WA, where the pigs are raised free of antibiotics on 50 acres of lush farmland. Oink oink! At the close of HAM, there will be 3 public performances, 2 will occur within the hold, 1 will occur in thin air, after the hold has been dismantled. Forget what mother told you. Tune in. Tune in!
Follow the HAM project journal online.