Noon, Saturday 12 December 2009
Green Lake Bath House Theatre | Seattle
Jump into the lake with a poem & a bikini. Don’t worry, your POETRY will PROTECT you. Yet again, the poets show Seattle how to be one. This is year #2. Last year we made headline news & had a ton of fun. See pix from last year.
So.... join us this year?
CALLING ALL ARTISTS, poets, Alaska-natives and crazies. Looking for 50 hardy individuals to jump into Green Lake this December. It’s simple. Write a poem, put it on a bikini, put your bikini on & come to Green Lake at NOON on Saturday 12 December. We’ll be working up our courage behind the Bath House. Then, at 12:30pm, we’ll drop our fuzzy layers, line up on the water’s edge, read our poems to the massed and staring crowds and plunge on in! This is a quick event. If you’re late, you’ll miss it. Plan to be parked and ready to go at noon. Questions? Contact Mimi mimiallin@gmail.com / 617.460.6110.
Not willing to freeze your pants off? This is still a spectacle worth attending. Come enjoy the poetry, sip some cocoa, have a laugh. The POETRY POLAR BEAR swim is the same day as the Pathway of Lights. Go Green Lake!
Willing to take a DIP in Green Lake? SHOW UP behind the Bath House at Green Lake, at NOON on Saturday 12 December, in a bathing suit (preferably a bikini, but the rules are lax), with a POEM written somewhere on your suit or body (doesn’t have to be one you wrote, but we’d like it if it were & if it related to the event).
Don’t want to swim, but want to contribute a poem? That’s cool. Post your poem on a picket & bring it to the lake or e-mail it to mimiallin@gmail.com. See you on 12 December!
We need HELPERS on the sidelines to bear witness, hold towels & eyeglasses, hand out coca & take pictures. To lend support, simply arrive at noon and say, “I’m a helper,” or call Mimi at (617) 460.6110.
“Putting the O back in poetry”
Labels: art, artists, green lake, poetry, poetry polar bear club, poetry polar bear plunge, poets