Tuesdays-Fridays 5-6PM
Saturdays & Sundays 1-2PM
October--December 2009
ACT Theatre
7th & Union / Seattle
For 1-hour a day, from now until December, you'll find me in a window at ACT Theatre gazing out at the world. My task-- to look out at the world as if IT were the show. After an hour, I'll write a review of what I saw and place it in the window. The next day, passersby can read about the show them themselves put on.

"Window Show" is a form of reverse theatre, exploring the idea that if it is framed and viewed, it is performance. What's the point of turning the tables and finding theatre in the everyday? I want to know how my viewing changes the world. How people behave. If they change. Perform. And how my seeing changes over time. I also have an interest in sharing the experience with would-be performers and professionals.
For all those who would take the challenge, here's your chance to perform. All you have to do is show up outside my window at 7th & Union. "Window Show" takes place daily (except Monday) from 20 October-31 December 2009 in the northernmost storefront window at ACT Theatre in Seattle, WA. What's your definition of "performance?"

And for those with a serious interest in participating on the inside, a limited number of 2nd sittings will be arranged weekly to extend this special viewing-finding-writing experience to local artists. Poets and performance artists are especially encouraged. A written review will be expected of all those who sit. Interested local artists should contact me ( no later than one week before they wish to sit. 2nd sittings will not occur everyday. Times will be available immediately following my daily sitting, starting at 6PM weekdays and 2PM weekends.
Thanks for reading and see you on SEVENTH!