Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Song of Tent City has a Blog!

For those who wish to follow this project, please visit the Song of Tent City Blog. It is there I will post my experiences as a resident camper at Tent City from late November 2010 through December and possibly on through February 2011. It is there too that I will post my poems and all relevant news and calls for collaboration. Visit from time to time or become a follower. And, if you haven't yet found a way and wish to offer assistance, drop in to Tent City when you have time and come find me for a conversation or stop in and talk to any resident in camp. People are always interested in talking. The camp will be at Maple Leaf Lutheran Church in Meadowbrook neighborhood of Seattle from 27 November to 27 February. For directions and a map click here. It isn't necessary, but if you wish to bring a gift, the following items are always needed: coffee, duct tape, tarps, tents, wool blankets, underwear (men's or women's), hot food and hygiene products. Thank you in advance for your interest and input.


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