HAM--Hold, All Movement (Showings)

A K Mimi Allin is the current artist-in-residence at Project: Space Available on Capitol Hill in Seattle (1 April--31 May 2010). HAM--Hold, All Movement is the title of Allin's project, for which she built a 8x11' hold (think of a ship's hold) within the P:SA studio & outfitted it with a cot, teapot, personal library & communications station (shortwave, marine VHF & HAM radios). She then earned her Technician's Class Amateur Radio License (in 2 weeks she'll be issued a call sign by the FCC!). An official Ham, Mimi is now residing full-time in the hold, listening to radios by night & turning that info into gestures by day. Radio gestures. At the end of her residency, she'll present this work in 3 public shows. O yes, and she's been eating ham (pink organic meat) everyday during her residency. Mmm.
7PM Friday 21 May (in the hold within the studio)
3PM Sunday 23 May (in the hold within the studio)
7PM Friday 28 May (in the studio -minus the hold)
Tickets $10, no advance sales. RSVP REQUIRED: projectspaceavailable@gmail.com. All showings at Project: Space Available at 1417-10th Ave on Capitol Hill (Seattle). Tune in to the P:SA Blog to see images of the space & learn more about the project. Thanks for supporting P:SA!
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