You asked to join me. "I'd like to bring my whole class," you said. Fred said he wanted to set up an A-R-C-H-I-T-E-C-T-U-R-E desk. Someone wanted to bring an old-fashioned apple peeler, a pile of peels growing on the ground below. I say to you who dream, the time has come. I say to you, come to the meadow. Put down your notebook and dream. I invite you.
Sunday 29 April. I invite artists from all genres (music, performance, comedy, opera, circus, fiction, cartoon) to come to Green Lake and set up your desk in the meadow next to mine, Come demonstate your art. Perform, read, watch and grow in the public eye. No need to r.s.v.p. Just show up.
On the Aurora strip at 72nd St, next to the Shell gas station.
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